THE SHAPE OF LIGHT - February 2008 |
REGIONAL UNDERPINNINGS - November 2008 Built to harmonize with the site’s steep oceanfront cliffs and grassy mesas, Sea Ranch’s beauty and tranquility depend on its adherence to a tight set of guidelines that promote sameness and discourage the diversity of architectural forms. While most planned-community architecture reflects mainstream societal norms, Sea Ranch appeals to a less practical ideological sensibility. To be fair, Sea Ranch was never an evangelical construct, and its “purity” is based predominantly on aesthetics, which made it a somewhat uncontrolled social experiment. |
SEA RANCH TYPOLOGIES - November 2007 Built to harmonize with the site’s steep oceanfront cliffs and grassy mesas, Sea Ranch’s beauty and tranquility depend on its adherence to a tight set of guidelines that promote sameness and discourage the diversity of architectural forms. While most planned-community architecture reflects mainstream societal norms, Sea Ranch appeals to a less practical ideological sensibility. To be fair, Sea Ranch was never an evangelical construct, and its “purity” is based predominantly on aesthetics, which made it a somewhat uncontrolled social experiment. |
CIVIL ENTERPRISE - August 2007 Civil Enterprise features three groups of work. Civil Enterprise takes center stage with a full frame documentary style that mingles with bold lines, colors, and textures. Weathered Landscapes, done in sepia tone, provide a stronger dose of environment without losing the urban sensibility that is so much a part of my work. Lastly, Urban Textures uses tighter frames and mild abstractions to detail our everyday urban surroundings. |
RIDGEMONT TYPOLOGIES BY MARK LUTHRINGER - November 2007 Recalling the photography of Bernd and Hilla Becher are the typological arrays of artist Mark Luthringer. Where the Bechers looked at the industrial landscape of their native Germany, Luthringer looks at Ridgemont Typologies, the American suburban landscape of consumption, status, and identity. Ridgemont Typologies is about our desire for a mythic lifestyle and industry’s conspicuous attempt to fulfill that desire through architecture and design. |
URBAN LIAISONS BY BIFF MOSHE - September 2008 Biff Moshe infuses architecture & urban streetscapes with the human element to dramatic.and intimate effect. Her oil paintings convey passion & wisdom, & exhibit mastery in narrative art. |
NEW MEDIA, CULTURE & DESIGN - June 2008 Hilary Williams takes printmaking to new heights, layering photography, drawing, painting & collage into pieces that are as flavorful and complex as the urban landscapes she so eloquently portrays. Neil Hart reemerges after 25 years at the San Francisco Planning Department with a vintage collection of unconventional yet classic compositions of city landmarks that continue to inspire architecture & design. Glenn Caley Bachmann strikes a brilliant balance between art, humor & social criticism while touching on some of San Francisco's most heated issues, such as healthcare, transportation & the environment. |